I started this run at the Village Gate on Goodman with the intent of checking out the Eastman Dental Dispensary on Main Street towards the end of the run. The building was funded by George Eastman in 1917 to provide free dental care to underprivileged children in Rochester. Although now in disrepair, the building is a wonderful example of the type of architecture built from the turn of the century through the first world war.
Children from around the city were bussed in, often on school buses, to receive their dental care This picture is from 1930.
Care was given in large, open operating rooms and infirmary style sleeping areas. Over 1400 tonsillectomies were performed here in 1920.

In 2007, the same Scott Donaldson who purchased the Main Street Armory purchased the building. During the Halloween season of 2007 the building was used as the "House of Pain" haunted house attraction .... probably explaining the ghostly statue in the window.
I ran this route on a hot July 5 morning that felt more like mid day. My route stretched a little longer than normal, about 3.9 miles. Historical pictures courtesy of UR Research, urresearch.rochester.edu. Tip about this building thanks to @ezekialdantes.